UCC Cut Off Points For 2022/2023 Academic Year


UCC cut off points are points set for each course by the University of Cape Coast which if an applicant exceeds will not get admission to the specific course.

The cut of point is has a major influence on your admission that is why you must pay rapt attention to everything in this article. This article will be all about the UCC cut off points

The university set this point to make sure it takes only the students who are likely to do well in the specific course. Let us take a look at the University of Cape Coast cut off points.

UCC cut off points

Check the table below to know the University of Cape Coast cut off point for each subject.

Bachelor of Commerce (Finance)1515
Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)1212
Bachelor of Commerce (Human Resource Management)2020
Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing)2020
Bachelor of Commerce (Procurement & Supply Chain Management)1717
Bachelor of Commerce (Management)1717
B.A. (Social Sciences) Econs/Geo/Maths2525
B.A. (Population & Health)2626
B.A. (Anthropology)2828
B.A. (Geography & Regional Planning)1819
B.Sc. (Tourism Management)3232
B.Sc. (Hospitality Management)2020
B.A. (Arts)3333
B.A. (Communication Studies)1919
B.A. (Theatre Studies)2828
B.  Music2828
B.A. (African Studies)3030
B.A. (Linguistics)2626
B.A. (Film Studies)3333
Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery
B.Sc.  (Fisheries & Aquatic Science)3033
B.Sc. (Biochemistry)1515
B.Sc. (Nursing)1111
B.Sc. (Environmental Science)2929
B.Sc. (Molecular Biology & Biotechnology)2829
B.Sc. (Entomology & Wildlife).2828
B.Sc. (Biomedical  Science)1919
B.Sc. (Forensic Science)2525
B.Sc. (Information Technology)1919
B.Sc. (Computer Science)2121
B.Sc. (Optometry)1111
B.Sc. (Laboratory Technology)2020
B. Sc. (Medical Laboratory Technology)1515
B.Sc. (Chemistry)2727
B.Sc. (Industrial Chemistry)2323
B.Sc. (Water & Sanitation)2828
B.Sc. (Physics)2727
B.Sc. (Engineering Physics)2727
B.Sc. (Meteorology & Atmospheric Physics)2727
B.Sc. (Mathematics)2929
B.Sc. (Actuarial Science)1414
B.Sc. (Statistics)2727
B.Sc. (Mathematics with Economics)1919
B.Sc. (Mathematics & Statistics)2828
B.Sc. (Mathematics with Business)1919
B.Sc. (Agriculture)3233
B.Sc. (Agricultural Extension & Comm. Devt.)3030
B.Sc. (Agri-Business)2929
B.Sc. (Agro-Processing)3434
B.Sc. (Psychology)2020
B.ED. Home Economics (Food & Nutrition)3030
B.ED. Home Economics (Clothing & Textile)3030
B.ED. (Physical Education)3434
B.ED. (Social Sciences) Geo/Econs/History1414
B.ED. (Accounting)1313
B.ED. (Management)1516
B.ED. (Arts)1819
B.ED. (Social Studies)1819
B.ED.  (Basic Education)2324
B.ED. (Early Childhood Education)2525
B.ED. (Science)2323
B.ED. (Mathematics)1819
B.ED. (Computer Science)2828

As you can see these are the cut off points for each programme.

READ ALSO:  The New KNUST Cut Off Points For Applicants