Courses At The University Of Ghana


For anyone looking for information on courses at the university of ghana, this is a perfect article detailing all the courses at university of ghana as well as entry requirements. The University of Ghana, the premier university in Ghana, was founded as the University College of the Gold Coast by ordinance on August 11, 1948, for the purpose of providing and promoting university education, learning and research.

About the University of Ghana and courses at The university of ghana

As a University poised to distinguish itself in the area of research to make an impact at the national and international levels, the University launched a Strategic Plan in 2014. The strategic plan (2014-2024) is intended to consolidate the gains made from the review of the University’s mission and practices and situate these within the context of a very dynamic environment of higher education in Ghana and beyond

The University of Ghana is administered through a central administration which includes a collegiate system comprising four colleges and a School of Graduate Studies. Before we proceed with the courses at university of ghana, here are all four colleges and a School of Graduate Studies.

Undergraduate Available Programmes: courses at The university of ghana


University of Ghana Medical School
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

University of Ghana Dental School
Bachelor of Dental Surgery

School of Pharmacy
Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)

School of Biomedical and Allied Health Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Dietetics
Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory
Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy
Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy
Bachelor of Science in Radiography

School of Nursing & Midwifery
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Midwifery


Group 1: Physical Sciences
Physics, Chemistry, Geophysics

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Group 2: Mathematical Sciences
Mathematics, Statistics, Actuarial Science, Computer Science, Biomathematics, Physics

Group 3: Earth Sciences
Geology, Applied Geology, Applied Geophysics

Group 4: Information Technology

Group 5: Biological Sciences

Animal Biology and Conservation Science, Biochemistry Cell and Molecular Biology, Nutrition, Food Science, Plant and Environmental Biology, Marine Science, Fisheries Science, Psychology, Microbiology.

Group 6: Agriculture

Animal Science, Crop Science, Soil Science, Agriculture Economics, Agribusiness, Agriculture Extension, Post-Harvest Technology.

Group 7: Family and Consumer Science (Food and Clothing Option)

Group 8: Family and Consumer Science (Family and Child Studies Option)

Group 9: Engineering Sciences
Material Science and Engineering, Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Food Process Engineering, Agriculture Engineering

Group 10: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine


University of Ghana Business School
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

University of Ghana School of Law
Bachelor of Laws (LLB)

School of Arts
Bachelor of Arts Available in the following Departments:
Department of Religions
Department of Philosophy and Classics
Department of History
Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies


School of Languages
Bachelor of Arts –Available in the following Departments:
Department of English
Department of French
Department of Modern Languages
Department of Linguistics

School of Social Sciences
Bachelor of Arts –Available in the following Departments:
Department of Economics
Department of Political Science
Department of Sociology
Department of Geography and Resource Development
Department of Social Work
Department of Psychology

School of Performing Arts
Bachelor of Fine Arts/Bachelor of Arts –Available in the following Departments:
Department of Dance Studies
Department of Theatre Arts
Department of Music


School of Information and Communication Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Information Studies

School of Education and Leadership
Bachelor of Arts in Education (English, Linguistics)
Bachelor of Arts in Education (Information Studies, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, Adult Education)
Bachelor of Science in Education (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, statistics)
Bachelor of Education – JHS Specialism
Bachelor of Education – Upper Grade Specialism
Bachelor of Education – Early Grade Specialism
Bachelor of Arts in Sports and Physical Culture Studies

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School of Continuing and Distance Education
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Bachelor of Arts – Available in the following Departments:
Department of Economics
Department of Political Science
Department of Sociology
Department of Psychology
Department of Information Studies
Department of Adult Education and Human Resource Studies
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (For professional nurses who already have a Diploma in Nursing from a recognized Nursing Training College)

Diploma Programmes

The following diploma programmes are now run at the Accra, Kumasi and Tamale Learning Centres. Applicants should note that all distance education programmes are non-residential.
Diploma in Accounting
Diploma in Public Administration
Diploma in Statistics
Diploma in Librarianship
Diploma in Archives Administration
Diploma in Adult Education
Diploma in Youth Development Work (CYP)

Qualifications acceptable for admission include the following:
Senior Secondary School Certificates (SSSCE/WASSSCE)
Baccalaureate (French)
International Baccalaureate (IB)
GCE (Cambridge) – ‘A’ and ‘O’ Levels
GCSE & ‘A’ Levels
American High School – Grade 12 examinations
Other external qualifications have equivalences to the WASSSCE/SSSCE and the GCE (A Levels). All admissions will be to Level 100.

All candidates who have attended or graduated with a Certificate/Diploma from the University of Ghana between 1996 and the present must include their **STUDENT IDENTITYNUMBERS** on their application forms. If accepted, the same number will be used in the selected program of study.

The University of Ghana has not admitted candidates with West African Examination Council Ordinary and Advanced Level Certificates since the 2007/2008 academic year.

All applicants should be aware that the admissions procedure at the University of Ghana is fairly transparent. Applicants should be wary of anybody who approaches them under the guise of aiding them in gaining admission for a price.

Before applying, all prospective candidates should visit the University’s website at and carefully read all essential information and rules for prospective applicants.

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All candidates who will take the WASSCE in 2022 are eligible.
Except for those offered in the School of Allied Health Sciences, all programs at the Faculty of Health Sciences are exclusively available as FIRST CHOICE.
Applicants must choose courses from the Sciences as their second and third options.

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, and Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering are FIRST CHOICE programs in the College of Basic and Applied Sciences.

Candidates who choose B.Sc. Administration or Bachelor of Laws (LLB) as their first option are highly urged to choose bouquets from the Bachelor of Arts course as their second choice to improve their chances of admission.

For the Bachelor of Arts (BA) curriculum, candidates are expected to pick topics from the list of choices offered. In order of preference, up to four (4) topic bouquets must be chosen.

All BA students must provide three (3) subjects at Level 100, two (2) subjects at Levels 200 and 300, and either two (2) or one (1) subject at Level 400.

Eligible applicants to the Bachelor’s degree on the Legon Campus who are unable to satisfy the Admissions Board’s competitive cut-off points for admission to desired programs of study may opt for the Fee-paying Scheme. Applicants who are interested in this option must specify it on their application forms.

Senior Students Entrance has been reinstated for the 2017/2018 academic year in the Bachelor of Arts Distance Education (DE) Course.


All applications must be submitted ONLINE. Click here to visit the “How to apply online page“.

